Orders can be found under the sidebar heading called WooCommerce in your ‘Back Office‘.
You will see a list of orders with an icon to show whether the order was either:-
- Online
- In-Person
- Manually added
The Green shopfront icon in the image above shows you that these were ‘In-Person’ sales, the Blue shopping cart icon is an ‘Online’ order, bought and paid for through your web ordering system and the Pink ‘Woo’ icon is an order added manually through the ‘Back Office’.
You can quickly see at a glance the date of the order, the Status of the order (whether it is Complete, Processing or Failed), whether the order is a ‘Subscription’ item (with the circle icon in the next column along) and the total value of the order.
There are filters across the top, so that you can display only the orders you need to focus on, for example the Date of the order, the Type or order and which ‘Register’ (In-Person class) the order was for. These are quick and handy ways to view all orders of a specific type, or to filter your list by Register or Date.